Archive for June, 2009

Harun Farocki

June 29, 2009

Harun Farocki is a German filmmaker whose work looks at the relationship between technology and our perception of the world. I saw an exhibition featuring his video installations at Jeu de Paume in Paris and found the work massively immersive and interesting.


Green Roofs

June 15, 2009

There was a nice article last month in National Geographic which discusses the growing trend of “living roofs”. Aside from the fact that they’re great for the environment – making the city healthier and its buildings more sustainable – I love the surrealness of them and the cool, severe mix of green and concrete. There’s loads more examples in the article and it’s worth checking out. Makes me wish I lived in the top flat…

Another nice bit of thinking

June 8, 2009

As we all know, binge drinking’s becoming fairly endemic in the UK and something high up on the COI’s communications agenda. I really liked the thinking and strategy behind VCCP’s last TV campaign based on the idea that you wouldn’t do all those stupid things that you do when you’re pissed when you’re sober. (more…)

Addictive clocks

June 5, 2009

I stumbled upon this animated clock, and I thought I’d share.

This hasn’t got anything to do with Flavor Flav except for his love of the massive clock…

It’s really simple, really hypnotic and reminded me a little bit of the brilliance of Uniqlo’s dancing Uniqlock.

The Future of Gaming?

June 3, 2009

This is a demonstration of Microsoft’s new add on for the Xbox called Project Natal. It’s a rival to the Wii and looks pretty amazing as it doesn’t use any controllers, the gamer is the controller controlling games using their body. (more…)